XiaomiROM.com is created for collecting Global, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Russia, Taiwan and Japan Official Xiaomi ROM information. Official ROMs are just absolutely official, they are Malware/Spyware Free. XiaomiROM.com do not save/host any Xiaomi ROM files, you can always get full speed download from Xiaomi official server mirror. Xiaomi MIUI firmware types include stable, weekly (dev) and beta, and they may be updated with Fastboot or Recovery. No custom ROMs avaliable currently.
Before download
Be sure download the right Xiaomi ROM for you device, you can get your device model name with follow methods.
If your device is booted up, just look it in
->Software information
Or boot to
mode by hold down thepower
+volume down
, connect to PC, startcmd
to run the commandfastboot getvar product